Efektivitas Electronic Traffic Law Enforcement
AbstractThis study aims to analyze the construction, operation, and design of the development of Electronic Traffic Law Enforcement (ETLE). The research approach is a mix method research with data collection techniques, questionnaires, and interviews. The research instrument was a questionnaire, and an interview guide. Informants include personnel: Polri, prosecutors, transportation services, and banks. Some of the obstacles in the current ETLE implementation include: Limited availability, and capacity of ETLE cameras, disintegration of recording data, data inconnection, variations in the availability of each Polda’s budget for the procurement of cameras used in ETLE operations, Inconsistency of regulatory provisions regarding manual and electronic ticketing.Keyword: Traffic; Effectiveness; Electronic Traffic Law Enforcement.AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis konstruksi, operasionalisasi, dan desain pengembangan Electronic Traffic Law Enforcement (ETLE). Pendekatan penelitian adalah mix method research dengan teknik pengumpulan data penyebaran kuesioner, dan wawancara. Instrumen penelitian berupa kuesioner, dan panduan wawancara. Informan meliputi personel: Polri, kejaksaan, dinas perhubungan, dan bank. Beberapa kendala dalam implementasi ETLE saat ini mencakup: Keterbatasan ketersediaan, dan kapasitas kamera ETLE, disintegrasi data perekaman, Inkoneksitas data, variasi ketersediaan anggaran tiap Polda untuk pengadaan kamera yang digunakan dalam operasionalisasi ETLE, ketidaksinkronan ketetapan regulasi tentang tilang manual, dan tilangelektronik.Kata Kunci: Lalu Lintas; Efektivitas; Electronic Traffic Law Enforcement.Downloads
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